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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2007

Dynasti Empty
MessageSujet: Dynasti   Dynasti Icon_minitimeMer 19 Déc - 17:51

bonjour a tous Very Happy alor voila il y a plusieur semaine que je cherche les arme et armure dynasti et je les trouve pas je suis aller sur google ragzone ect ect est se que il y aurai quelque pour maidee svp merci beaucoup Very Happy
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moitié confirmé

Nombre de messages : 74
Age : 31
Localisation : Gwada
Date d'inscription : 23/10/2007

Dynasti Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dynasti   Dynasti Icon_minitimeVen 28 Déc - 13:29

elles sont pas encore faites, jles faits mais ça prend du temps sinox les faire toi même t'as qu'a prendre leur id dans itemname-e.dat et leurs stats sur http://l2wh.com/
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moitié confirmé

Nombre de messages : 74
Age : 31
Localisation : Gwada
Date d'inscription : 23/10/2007

Dynasti Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dynasti   Dynasti Icon_minitimeVen 28 Déc - 13:34

finalement, si t'as pas compris voici les id

Citation :
9854 Dynasty Sword Focus <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Critical Attack by 67. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9855 Dynasty Sword Health <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases maximum HP by 25%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9856 Dynasty Sword Light <Soul Crystal Option>\nReduces a weapon's weight by 30%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9857 Dynasty Blade Focus <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Critical Attack by 67. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9858 Dynasty Blade Health <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases maximum HP by 25%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9859 Dynasty Blade Light <Soul Crystal Option>\nReduces a weapon's weight by 30%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9860 Dynasty Phantom Acumen <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd by 15%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9861 Dynasty Phantom Mana Up <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases maximum MP by 30%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9862 Dynasty Phantom Conversion <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases the maximum MP by 60% and decreases the maximum HP by 40%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9863 Dynasty Bow Cheap Shot <Soul Crystal Option>\nWhen launching a general attack, there is a 26% probability that MP consumption will be decreased to 1. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9864 Dynasty Bow Guidance <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 3.4. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9865 Dynasty Bow Focus <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Critical Attack by 70. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9866 Dynasty Knife Focus <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Critical Attack by 70. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9867 Dynasty Knife Evasion <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 3.4. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9868 Dynasty Knife Critical Damage <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases P. Atk. by 324 during a critical attack. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9869 Dynasty Halberd Anger <Soul Crystal Option>\nDecreases player's HP by 15% while increasing P. Atk. by 43 during a critical attack. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9870 Dynasty Halberd Critical Stun <Soul Crystal Option>\nDuring a critical attack, produces a stun effect at the rate. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9871 Dynasty Halberd Light <Soul Crystal Option>\nReduces a weapon's weight by 30%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9872 Dynasty Cudgel Anger <Soul Crystal Option>\nDecreases player's HP by 15% while increasing P. Atk. by 43 during a critical attack. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9873 Dynasty Cudgel Health <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases maximum HP by 25%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9874 Dynasty Cudgel Rsk. Focus <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Critical Attack when HP becomes 60% or lower. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9875 Dynasty Mace Mana Up <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases maximum MP by 30%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9876 Dynasty Mace Conversion <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases maximum MP by 60% and decreases maximum HP by 40%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9877 Dynasty Mace Acumen <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Casting Spd by 15%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9878 Dynasty Bagh-Nakh Rsk. Evasion <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Evasion by 4.9 when HP becomes 60% or lower. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9879 Dynasty Bagh-Nakh Rsk. Haste <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 9% when HP falls below 60%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9880 Dynasty Bagh-Nakh Haste <Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Atk. Spd. by 6%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9376 Dynasty Rapier Kamael exclusive weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\nBestows one of the following functions--Focus, Health, or Light.\nWhen enchanted by 4 or more, a critical attack will have a chance to increase P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and decrease MP consumption during skill use, for you and your party members. -1 0 0 0
9377 Dynasty Rapier Focus Kamael exclusive weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases Critical by 67. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted by 4 or more, a critical attack will have a chance to increase P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and decrease MP consumption during skill use, for you and your party members. -1 0 0 0
9378 Dynasty Rapier Health Kamael exclusive weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nIncreases maximum HP by 25%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted by 4 or more, a critical attack will have a chance to increase P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and decrease MP consumption during skill use, for you and your party members. -1 0 0 0
9379 Dynasty Rapier Light Kamael exclusive weapon: Dynasty Sword Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Enhancement>\nReduces a weapon's weight by 30%. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nWhen enchanted by 4 or more, a critical attack will have a chance to increase P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and decrease MP consumption during skill use, for you and your party members. -1 0 0 0
9380 Dynasty Ancient Sword Kamael Exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\nBestows either Focus, Health, or Light. -1 0 0 0
9381 Dynasty Ancient Sword Focus Kamael Exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Critical Attack by 67. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9382 Dynasty Ancient Sword Health Kamael Exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases maximum HP by 25%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9383 Dynasty Ancient Sword Light Kamael Exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Blade Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nReduces a weapon's weight by 30%. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9384 Dynasty Crossbow Kamael Exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\nBestows either Cheap Shot, Guidance, or Focus. -1 0 0 0
9385 Dynasty Crossbow Cheap Shot Kamael Exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nMP consumption is decreased by 12% during use of skill. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9386 Dynasty Crossbow Guidance Kamael Exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Accuracy by 3.4. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9387 Dynasty Crossbow Focus Kamael Exclusive Weapon: Dynasty Bow Conversion\n<Soul Crystal Option>\nIncreases Critical Attack by 70. Enhances damage to a target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9388 Infinity Rapier Decreases the target's P. Def and increases the de-buff casting ability, the damage shield ability, and the Max HP/Max MP/Max CP on a critical attack. Increases damage inflicted during PvP.\nA critical attack will have a chance to increase P. Atk., M. Atk., and healing power, and decrease MP consumption during skill use, for you and your party members. -1 0 0 0
9389 Infinity Sword Increases critical attack success rate/power, MaxHP, MaxCP, and damage inflicted during PvP. Also inflicts extra damage on critical attacks, and reflects debuff attacks back on enemies. -1 0 0 0
9390 Infinity Shooter Produces the following effects when a critical attack occurs: the target is slowed, decrease MP consumption for skill use, and increase Max MP/Max CP. Enhances damage done to the target during PvP. -1 0 0 0
9441 Dynasty Shield -1 0 0 0
9442 Dynasty Sword Bestows either Focus, Health, or Light. -1 0 0 0
9443 Dynasty Blade Bestows either Focus, Health, or Light. -1 0 0 0
9444 Dynasty Phantom Bestows either Acumen, Mana Up, or Conversion. -1 0 0 0
9445 Dynasty Bow Bestows either Cheap Shot, Guidance, or Evasion. -1 0 0 0
9446 Dynasty Knife Bestows either Focus, Evasion, or Critical Damage. -1 0 0 0
9447 Dynasty Halberd Bestows either Anger, Critical Stun, or Light. -1 0 0 0
9448 Dynasty Cudgel Bestows one of the following functions: Anger, Health, or Rsk. Focus. -1 0 0 0
9449 Dynasty Mace Bestows one of the following functions: Mana Up, Conversion, or Acumen. -1 0 0 0
9450 Dynasty Bagh-Nakh Bestows one of the following functions: Rsk. Evasion, Rsk. Haste, or Haste. -1 0 0 0
mais ils les ont peut-être sur rpg paradise
et vas à http://forum.rpg-paradize.com/viewtopic.php?t=5582 ça te sera utile
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Nombre de messages : 2
Age : 35
Date d'inscription : 18/12/2007

Dynasti Empty
MessageSujet: phenixy   Dynasti Icon_minitimeVen 28 Déc - 18:09

merci beaucoup Antarion grace a toi j'ai tous se qu'il faut merci encore^^ Very Happy

a bientot
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moitié confirmé

Nombre de messages : 74
Age : 31
Localisation : Gwada
Date d'inscription : 23/10/2007

Dynasti Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dynasti   Dynasti Icon_minitimeSam 29 Déc - 7:11

bah deuh rien
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Dynasti Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Dynasti   Dynasti Icon_minitime

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